燃燒系窈窕錠dexadrim Max引進突破性七種配方減低這些飲食挫折,並從中補充多種音減肥而流失的維生素。燃燒系窈窕錠dexadrim Max內含維生素B和人參, 可以降低飢餓感並補充日常營養。Vitabolic Boost和臨床驗證的綠茶兒茶素可以補充缺乏的能量。另外還增加抗氧化劑和促進新陳代謝的成分一起消除想進食的念頭, 降低食欲, 大大提升瘦身成功的機會。
Dexatrim® Max™ Complex 7™。結合了複雜的七種強大的減肥成分包括"7-KETO",這是專利和臨床證實可以幫助你減去的之前超過 3倍的只靠節食和運動的重量,而80%的重量損失來自多餘的脂肪!*
- 鉻
- 烏龍茶
- 7-KETO
- 複合維生素 B
- 參
- 咖啡因
服法 |
服務大小: |
2粒 |
份每集裝箱: |
30 |
每份金額 |
%每日價值 |
硫胺素(B1) |
15毫克 |
1000% |
核黃素(B2) |
17毫 克 |
1000% |
菸鹼酸(B3) |
200毫克 |
1000% |
10毫克 |
500% |
60微克 |
1000% |
25毫克 |
250% |
200微克 |
167% |
Complex 7 成分
650 毫克* |
專有的草本配方 ,綠茶和烏龍茶標準化,葉提取物(茶樹) |
兒茶素酸酯(EGCG) |
90毫 克* |
咖啡因 |
50毫 克* |
亞洲(人參)人參根提取物的標 準化 (4%人參皂甙) |
7-KETO (3 -乙酰- 7 -氧脫氫表雄酮) |
100毫克* |
微晶纖維 素,明膠,二氧化矽,硬脂酸,鈦白粉,硬脂酸鎂,金融衍生工具&C紅色 40,FD&C藍色 1
Dexatrim® Max™ Complex 7™
The Power to Lose Weight!*
- New! Powered with 7-Keto®
- Lose 3x more weight*
- 80% of weight loss from fat*
- Ephedra Free
- Fueled with Complex 7™ for Powerful Dual Action
- Blocks Hunger*
- Burns Body Fat*
- #1 Pharmacist Recommended Diet Pill**
Dexatrim® Max™ Complex 7™ is the first and only weight loss solution that is fueled with Complex 7™.
Complex 7™ combines 7 powerful weight loss ingredients including 7-Keto® which is patented and clinically shown to help you lose 3x more weight than diet and exercise alone, with 80% of the weight loss coming from fat!*
Complex 7™ is fueled with an exclusive blend that gives you seven powerful weight loss ingredients that Block Hunger & Burn Body Fat!*
- EGCG 90/50 Blend
- Chromium
- Oolong tea
- 7-Keto®
- B Vitamin Complex
- Ginseng
- Caffeine
Turn Your Body Fat into Body Fuel!*
It is recommended to follow a regular exercise program and eat a diet low in calories and fat. This product is designed to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. Check with your health care provider before beginning this or any other diet program. Weight loss may vary and be temporary.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
** Based on the 2007 Pharmacy Times Survey
Keep out of reach of children. If inner foil seal is broken or missing, do not use.
- For adult use only. Not for use by individuals under 18 years of age without supervision from parent or doctor.
- Do not exceed 4 capsules in a 24 hour period. Exceeding the recommended serving may cause serious adverse side effects. Exceeding the recommended serving has not been shown to result in greater effectiveness.
- Use of this product may occasionally cause mild stomach upset or temporarily alter the color of urine because of the high vitamin content.
- This product contains a total of 50 mg of caffeine (less than one cup of coffee) per serving (2 capsules).
Do Not Use If You: Are pregnant or nursing.
Consult A Physician Before Using This Product If You:
- Take a prescription medication.
- Have, or have a family history of any of the following: heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, difficulty in urinating or prostate enlargement.
Discontinue Use And Consult A Physician If You: Experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, shortness of breath or other similar symptoms.
建議遵循正規 訓練,吃低熱量飲食和脂肪。該產品設計用於配合與健康的飲食和運動。請與您的健康保健提供者在開始這個或任何其他飲食方案。
- 成人使用。不能使用個人未滿 18歲從父無監督或醫生。
- 不超過 4粒,在24小時內。超標時,建議投放可能導致嚴重的副作用。超標時,建議服務還沒有證據證明造成更大的效益。
- 使用本產品可能會偶爾會引起輕度胃部不適,或暫時改變顏色的 尿液,因為高維生素含量。
- 本產品含有50毫克,總的咖啡因(少於一杯咖啡)每份(2 粒)。
不要使用如果你: 正在懷孕或哺乳。
- 採取的處方藥。
- 有,或有家族病史的任何如下:心髒病,甲狀腺疾病,糖尿病,高血壓,青光眼,排尿困難或前列腺腫大。
停止使用並請教醫生,如果你: 體驗心跳加快,頭暈,嚴重頭痛,呼吸急促或其他類似的症狀。